Welcome to the Job Seeker Section


European Job Seekers

Skills Provision are experts at sourcing meaningful employment for European workers or those interested in moving into the region.

Simply register on our website and produce an accurate, interesting and compelling profile, one that will impress employers around the world.

Trusted By

  • Capegemini
  • View Media
  • Technoline
  • Norish
  • Munster
  • keohanereadymix

Job Seeker Job Seekers

Current Vacancies

Job Title Location  
CV Guidelines

Employment Profiles

  • Produce your own unique employment profile
  • Fully showcase your talent and ability
  • Add a suitable portrait image
  • Receive employer enquiries
  • Supplement with an up to date CV/resume
  • GDPR friendly
  • Highly visible on popular search engines
  • Share your profile on Social Media
  • Edit and keep up to date
CV Helpful Tips

CV Helpful Tips

After registration we request a copy of your CV, here are a few guidelines:

  • Make sure the layout is logical and easy to follow
  • Target your CV to the applying position
  • Fully showcase your natural ability
  • List previous employment and qualifications in chronological order
  • Add a suitable portrait image
  • Keep the document brief, summarise where possible
  • Accuracy of spelling and grammar is crucial
Top Tips

Interview Preparation

It is very important to be prepared for your interview

  • Research the employing company
  • Produce your own interesting question on the employing company
  • Have all relevant certificates, licenses and related documents to hand
  • Collate verifiable references and endorsements
  • Practise interviews in a pressurised atmosphere
  • Communicate clearly and accurately
  • Relax, maintain eye contact and display a confident demeanor
3 Boxes